Creating custom pages

In case you want to create your own custom pages Nehalem provides a bunch of useful tools to make this easier for you.

Basic structure

The basic structure for pages is:

import React, {FunctionComponent} from "react";
import Layout from "@nehalist/gatsby-theme-nehalem/src/components/layout";
import SEO from "@nehalist/gatsby-theme-nehalem/src/components/seo";
import {Container} from "@nehalist/gatsby-theme-nehalem/src/components/common";

const CustomPage: FunctionComponent<{ location: Location }> = ({location}) => (
  <Layout bigHeader={false}>
      title={`Page title`}
      Your content

export default CustomPage;

The <Layout /> component either shows a big header (like the one on the front page) or a small one (like on every other page) based on the bigHeader prop.

The <SEO /> component takes care of optimizing everything in terms of SEO. The location prop comes from Gatsby.

Using custom props

Components often have some props. The FunctionDecorator interface allows creating fully typed components like this:

import React, {FunctionComponent} from "react";
import Layout from "@nehalist/gatsby-theme-nehalem/src/components/layout";
import SEO from "@nehalist/gatsby-theme-nehalem/src/components/seo";
import Container from "@nehalist/gatsby-theme-nehalem/src/components/common";

interface CustomPageProps {  location: Location;
  showConditionalText: boolean;

const CustomPage: FunctionComponent<CustomPageProps> = ({showConditionalText, location}) => (  <Layout bigHeader={false}>
      title={`Page title`}
      Your content
      {showConditionalText && <>This text is only shown when showConditionalText is true </>}    </Container>

export default CustomPage;

The Subheader component

Some components, like the PageTemplate use a small component for a stylish subheader:

import React, {FunctionComponent} from "react";
import Layout from "@nehalist/gatsby-theme-nehalem/src/components/layout";
import SEO from "@nehalist/gatsby-theme-nehalem/src/components/seo";
import Container from "@nehalist/gatsby-theme-nehalem/src/components/common";
import Subheader from "@nehalist/gatsby-theme-nehalem/src/components/subheader";

const CustomPage: FunctionComponent<{ location: Location }> = ({location}) => (
  <Layout bigHeader={false}>
      title={`Page title`}
    <Subheader title={`Page title`} subtitle={`Something else`} />    <Container>
      Your content

export default CustomPage;

Cover by @christopher_burns



I'm nehalem, a Gatsby theme by If you like what you see feel free to give a star on GitHub!